Gaitscan Customised Orthotics

At Belridge Physiotherapy, we want to help you walk pain free!

That’s why we use Gaitscan and customised orthotics to optimise your foot mechanics and get you up and about with ease. It involves a computerised scan of your foot looking at your walking pattern to highlight any concerns that correspond with your symptoms. Many of your symptoms can be relieved with customised orthotics – ensuring that you always put your best foot forward!

What is Gaitscan?

Gaitscan is an advanced scanning system that assesses the way you walk. It’s focused on the mechanics of walking and running to accurately analyse the contact made by your feet with the ground as you move over the sensor plate. The results of this scan allow us to determine if your gait is the cause of your symptoms.

What conditions can benefit from customised orthotics?

Not all conditions can be helped with customised orthotics, but many can be significantly corrected. That’s because the way you walk can impact your posture and lead to pain in other areas of your body.

So the pain you feel in your lower back or knees might be relieved by changing the way your foot is supported. Using Gaitscan, we can decide whether abnormal foot function is the root cause of your pain and whether it can be solved with customised orthotics.

The following are some of the symptoms and conditions that may benefit from Gaitscan Customised Orthotics.

  • Bunions.
  • Shin splints.
  • Foot and heel pain.
  • Achilles tendonitis.
  • Plantar fasciitis.
  • Knee pain.
  • Lower back pain.
  • Hip pain.
  • Flat feet.
  • Fallen arches.

Do I need a referral?

No. If your physiotherapist believes that Gaitscan Customised Orthotics can assist with diagnosing the cause of your problem, you don’t need a referral.

Can I claim Gaitscan and customised orthotics on my private health?

This will depend on your private health provider and level of coverage. If you’re unsure of your coverage, it might be worth checking your policy with your provider before your appointment.

For more information on Gaitscan or to make an appointment at Belridge Physiotherapy, call us on 08 9307 2133, send us an email or book an appointment.